Thank you, for considering Partnership! We're praying for you to walk in the fullness of THE COVENANT we have with Him. We fully expect you to enjoy spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done, a harvest on financial seed sown and for this ministry's anointing to operate in your own life. Through the bridge of partnership, you're reaching far beyond your personal sphere of influence, and together, we’re impacting people all over the world with the life-saving message of the Gospel! 

Our Mission

We are called to be carriers and demonstrators of the grace of God, to reach out to the lost and hurting with love faith healing, and deliverance, was the cry all those years ago and it still is today. We do this through teaching and preaching God's Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. 

The Rewards Of Partnership

It doesn't matter if you're the one doing the preaching or if you're the one supporting the preacher, according to 1 Samuel 30:24-25, the reward for the work will be the same: For as is the share of him who goes into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike. – 1 Samuel 30:24 (AMPC)

When you step on the bridge of partnership with HPC, you can expect:

  • Spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done
  • A harvest on financial seed sown
  • The ministry's anointing to operate in your own life.

In addition to these rewards, you'll also receive satisfaction knowing that you are reaching far beyond your sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with the life-saving message of Jesus

What I saw all those years ago was personal worship, worship teaching, and worship demonstrations. Over the years the desire for fellowship has opened the door to CDs, Books, Worship Curriculum, and Worship Documentaries. The LIHP SOW is a place where people are taught how to live passionately in His presence. What I saw was the desire for believers to make every decision in life, based on times of fellowship with Him. That is a tall order but our God is a big God.

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